29.50 SAR

Advanced Technology

ADVANCED produces 450,000 tons per annum of polypropylene. The Company is utilizing proven technologies provided by Novolen Technology Holdings C.V. (“NTH”), a subsidiary of ABB Lummus Global Inc. (“Lummus”). Lummus, has granted the Company the right to utilize its CATOFIN® “PDH” technology, and NTH has granted the Company the right to utilize its NOVOLEN® polypropylene production technology. The Plant was being engineered and constructed by Samsung Engineering Company Limited (“SECL”) and its affiliate, Samsung Saudi Arabia Limited (“SSAL”).

High crystalline polypropylene resins are characterized by an extremely high isotactic index. When compared to standard homopolymer resins, these resins exhibit a significantly higher stiffness and excellent chemical and heat resistance.


The increased stiffness versus standard polypropylene provides a significant down-gauging potential. High crystalline polypropylene can be converted with existing extrusion or injection moulding equipment.